
        I like this project, because this topic is really interesting, and as we know  nowadays people around the world is trying to learn another language for different reasons. As a student of a second language I felt identified whit the theory  we studied to create this blog. I enjoyed doing it!  It's nice to study and be part of this wonderful world of languages. I'm pretty sure that the learning this project leave us was significant. By Andrea Ramirez

Doing this blog I learned important things that will help me to my future as professional. its main purpose was to development my knowledge about what second language acquisition is,  therefore I could have a clear mind about all my doubts of this topic and how to teach it in a future as a teacher of a second language. while a I was doing this blog I thought that it was a good technique to have a better comprehension of different topic as student or teacher as well. it was so interesting. By Angela Oyuela

At the beginning when the teacher said that we had to make a blog, I wondered what was the purpose to create a blog if we are studying foreign languages. Then, when we started to work on it and search for the information  I realized that I was really learning about the topic and the way to create a blog. I did not know anything about what a blog was. But now thanks to the Miss and thanks to my classmates, I learned about it. I'm very thankful.

Now, as I said before, I learned a lot about the Second Language Acquisition and how important is acquires it. I learned the differences between acquisition and learning.
I learned the best ways to learn a second language and the differents stages. Learning a second language brings you many jobs opportunities. And not only that, even in the learning process is kind of fun the acquisition of a second language because we make a lot of mistakes mixing the one the we are acquiring and our native language.
In conclusion, the blog and the topic was a perfect combination to make this project. I really enoyed it. By: Mauricio Maradiaga
