
Check these links and Find more about this.

                     https://es.slideshare.net/miguelfirst/second-language-acquisition-1924991 https://www.brighthubeducation.com/language-learning-tips/70729-defining-second-language-acquisition/ https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1082388.pdf


Fromkin, V., Rodman, R. and N. Hyams. (2014). Introduction to language, 10th ed.             United States: Wadsworth, Cengage Leraning. MARTÍN, M. F. (2008). English Made in Brazil . Retrieved from Sponsor Brazil's best ESL site: http://www.sk.com.br/sk-krash-english.html Saville, M. (2006). Cambridge . Retrieved from Cambridge Universite Press: https://elt502ciu.wikispaces.com/file/view/Introducing+Second+Language+Acquisition.pdf


        I like this project, because this topic is really interesting, and as we know  nowadays people around the world is trying to learn another language for different reasons. As a student of a second language I felt identified whit the theory  we studied to create this blog. I enjoyed doing it!  It's nice to study and be part of this wonderful world of languages. I'm pretty sure that the learning this project leave us was significant. By Andrea Ramirez Doing this blog I learned important things that will help me to my future as professional. its main purpose was to development my knowledge about what second language acquisition is,  therefore I could have a clear mind about all my doubts of this topic and how to teach it in a future as a teacher of a second language. while a I was doing this blog I thought that it was a good technique to have a better comprehension of different topic as student or teacher as well. it was so interesting. By Angela Oyuela At the begin

Discussion Questions

What is the difference between L1 acquisition and L2 acquisition?  What is linguistc competence? Where can we also find native language influence? Overgeneralization is a clear indication of what? What is the embedded S-V-Adv order? Who is a heritage language learner? What is language altririon? What happens when a person is younger? When is the left hemisphere cortical density increase? What is the conslusion of the research?

Second Language Acquisition (semantic map)



Sec ond Language Acquisition    Second Language Acquisition (SLA) refers both to the study of individuals and groups who are  learning a language subsequent to learning their first one as young children, and to the process of  learning that language. The additional language is called a second language (L2), even though it may  actually be the third, fourth, or tenth to be acquired. It is also commonly called a target language  (TL), which refers to any language that is the aim or goal of learning. The scope of SLA includes  informal L2 learning that takes place in naturalistic contexts, formal L2 learning that takes place in  classrooms, and L2 learning that involves a mixture of these settings and circumstances.   Second Language Acquisition (SLA) involves a wide range of language learning settings and  learner characteristics and circumstances. This book will consider a broad scope of these, examining  them from three different disciplinary perspectives: linguisti

